summer adventures, part 1: banff and the icefields parkway

banff and the icefields parkway | the merry gourmet

Somehow, I underestimated the size of Banff during my vacation planning. It looks relatively compact on a map, but the reality is that Banff National Park is 2,564 square miles, and it is filled with so many amazing places to explore. I thought we would have time to explore more of it, but we were only able to get a taste of the park during our short time there.

On our first full day in Banff, we explored Lake Louise and Moraine Lake – two must-see highlights that will show up in any guidebook on the area. The numbers of tour buses in both areas confirmed their popularity. The concierge at our hotel had advised us to head to Moraine Lake first, since there is little parking and it tends to fill up. I was so glad we had this piece of advice. The park service closed off access to the road to Moraine Lake by about 12:30 on the day we explored due to the crowds.

banff and the icefields parkway | the merry gourmet

banff and the icefields parkway | the merry gourmet

Whether it was because the lake is so visually stunning, or because it was our first alpine lake of the trip, or simply because we had such a great morning there, Moraine Lake was one of our favorite places during our time in Banff.

We climbed to the top of the aptly-named Rock Pile for our first views of Moraine Lake, then we walked the lakeshore trail, a 1.5 mile roundtrip to the south end of the lake. As we neared the southern end of the lakeshore trail, we were able to see more clearly the glaciers in the surrounding peaks.

banff and the icefields parkway | the merry gourmet

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6 Responses to “summer adventures, part 1: banff and the icefields parkway”

  1. 1
    Ethan — July 26, 2015 @ 2:34 pm

    I just visited Banff for the very first time last month and I too was overwhelmed and captivated by the sheer size of the mountains and how they are everywhere you look. Thanks for sharing your pics, makes me want to go back and explore some more!

    • 1.1
      Merry-Jennifer — July 26, 2015 @ 3:32 pm

      It’s such an amazing place, Ethan. I would love to go back, too!

  2. 2
    Paula — July 26, 2015 @ 2:39 pm

    Oh my goodness your photographs are so beautiful!  Your trip to Banff and area sounds breathtaking.  You are like me with heights so I commend you for taking that gondola ride up the mountain.  I wouldn’t have done it.  Love your comment about your two family members who didn’t care for poutine?  Here, during black fly, mosquito and deer fly season we only use the bad bug spray otherwise we’d never get outdoors!  Thanks for sharing, loved this post.

    • 2.1
      Merry-Jennifer — July 26, 2015 @ 3:32 pm

      Thanks so much, Paula! We had such a wonderful time in this one stunning portion of your country. I’d love to visit again.

  3. 3
    Abby — July 26, 2015 @ 5:38 pm

    INCREDIBLE Photos! <3 

  4. 4
    Lisa Doucet — July 27, 2015 @ 3:39 pm

    Thanks for a great post! I’m going to Glacier Nat’l park this year, but hope to catch Banff and Lake Moraine and Louise next year!

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